Difference between HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and SDD (Solid State Drive)

2 years ago

HDD (Hard Disk Drive) also is known as fixed disk uses magnetic tape for the storage of data.  HDD has a moving read/write head to access data from storage like a gramophone player and slower to read and write. Unlike HDD, SSD (Solid State Drive) has no moving parts, and it obtains data from storage instantly. SSD can give fast performance than traditional magnetic-based computer storage devices. Although both of them perform the same task i.e. both are used to store data, both are used to boot the system, both are I/O devices, there is a spring difference between these two concepts as they utilize different technologies in the storing of data. The difference between SSD and HDD is that SSD stores data in flash memory, enables quick loading and processing, whereas HDD stores data in moving parts, which makes running and processing operations slow.

SSD data will still be retained when the system is powered off. SSD utilizes a grid of electrical cells to transmit data. SSD enables data transmission at a quicker rate with speeds significantly more than a traditional drive. This increases the overall performance of the system. Let’s see the major difference between HDD and SDD.

HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive. SSD stands for Solid State Drive.
HDD contains moving mechanical parts, like the arm. SSD does not contain mechanical parts, only electronic parts like ICs.
It uses magnetic tape to store data It uses flash memory to store data type
In HDD the data transfer is sequential. In SSD the data transfer is random access.
HDD is heavier in weight. SSD is lighter in weight.
HDD is cheaper per unit storage. SSD is costlier per unit storage.
HDD is larger in size. SSD is more compact in size.
HDD has fragmentation. SSD do not have fragmentation.
HDD can produce noise due to mechanical movements. SSD can not produce noise
HDD is less reliable due to possibility of mechanical failure, like head crash and susceptibility to strong magnets. SSD is more reliable.
HDD has a longer R/W time. SSD has a shorter R/W time.
HDD has higher latency. SSD has lower latency.
The old or traditional way of storage SSD is newer to use.
Average booting time is double or triple than that of SSD Average booting time is 10 to15 second only